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i can’t hear you very well
我没听懂你说的话  detail>>
i can barely hear you
我几乎听不到你说的  detail>>
but i hope that you can hear me
但我希望你能听到我  detail>>
i can hear you say my name
我能听见你在呼唤我的名字 犹可听见你呼唤我名字  detail>>
i hope that you can hear me
我希望你能听到我  detail>>
i get along without you very well
我没有和你好好相处  detail>>
can’t hear it well
听不清楚  detail>>
i can hear you breathing near my ear
我可以听到你我的耳朵附近烟  detail>>
can you hear me
能听见吗 你能听到我的呼唤吗  detail>>
only you can hear
只有你听得见  detail>>
you can hear
你听得到  detail>>
you can hear it
你听得到  detail>>
i can hear
我都能听到  detail>>
i can hear the bell
我能听到钟声  detail>>
i can hear the sea
海潮之声/听得见海 听到涛声  detail>>
i hear you
听见 我懂你的意思 我听到  detail>>
i hear you now
我听你说  detail>>
i hear you say it
你说你完全明白 我听到你这么说 我听你说  detail>>